Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Unstructured Settlement


Me'Lisa Delaney, 43, is brain-injured as a result of a 1984 medical error that caused a stroke during surgery. The hospital agreed to settle via a structured settlement, as overseen by a county conservatorship.

Delaney soon married Terry, who took over the conservatorship of the settlement and proceeded to make loans against the settlement, which equaled about $350,000. It wasn't long before all the money was gone. According to the civil complaint filed by Me'Lisa, Terry had used the loan money to purchase "controlled substances, illegal drugs, jewelry, liquor and other non-business items." Of course Delaney is suing for 10 million in punitive damages.

A lot of time energy, and effort was put into structuring a settlement in the best interest of Me'Lisa and it was too easily undone. Should we consider making settlements "unstructurable"? There is some concern that "factoring" or "cash out" companies take advantage of customers, taking a large portion of the settlement in exchange for a significantly smaller lump sum.

In Me'Lisa's case it makes sense to put in place more safeguards to protect her rights and interests in her settlement, specifically because she is brain injured. We should look to protect minors, senior citizens, and mentally impaired or injured settlement winners. Everyone else has access to resources and information to help them make the best choices and should be entitled to choose whatever they wish. I personally know of cases where cashing out was life saving, dream fulfilling, and absolutely a positive choice. I am also personally aware of situations where customers have cashed out their settlements and it was absolutely a bad decision. Unstructuring a settlement seems to be a great American Freedom, but it doesn't have to be as morally insipid as what happened in the Delaney case.

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Traumatic Brain Injury Settlements


A brain injury can be simply defined as anything that upsets the brain's function. It may be a hit or blow to the head or something that penetrates the skull, therefore damaging the brain. The primary causes of brain injuries include falling with the head hitting the ground, motor vehicle and automobile accidents, and assault. In the military, hits and blast injuries to the head are the major cause of brain injuries. More severe brain injuries can cause coma, stupor, or a persistent vegetative state.

Some of the key indicators that you may have a brain injury include:

- Headaches. This is recognized by frequent headache attacks, pain in the forehead or back of the head, and episodes of sharp pain.

- Memory loss that involves asking the same question over and over again, short-term memory difficulties, and frequent forgetfulness.

- Vocabulary problems or having a hard time coming up with the right word to say.

- Fatigue. This is demonstrated by emotional and physical tiredness.

- Sleep changes with signs of being awake throughout the night, waking up too early in the morning, and not being able to fall sleep right away.

- Emotional changes like being angry, sad, scared, or combinations of these every now and then.

- Stimulus overload involves an overwhelming feeling in busy, crowded, and noisy places.

- Concentration and distraction problems. This involves not staying focused and can easily cause attention disorders.

- Organizational difficulties make you unable to organize your thoughts and complete your tasks and activities.

The human brain is sensitive and vulnerable. If an object hits you in the head or if your head strikes a hard surface, you will most likely suffer from serious brain injury. Even if there are no obvious symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately.

If your brain injury was due to a negligent act of another person or an institution, seek advice from lawyers who are experienced in traumatic brain injury settlements so they may help you recover monetary compensations for your brain injury and other costs regarding your accident.

Annuity Settlement Options

Monday, March 15, 2010

Which Debt Can Be Settled? :annuity settlement options


We receive many questions regarding debt settlement and specially inquiries as to whether certain debts can be settled or not. This is an important issue as not all debts can be settled with regular debt repair agencies. And thus, prior to hiring the services of such agencies you need to make sure that your particular debts are suitable for settlement or else you would be just wasting money.

Under the right circumstances all debt can be settled, but debt repair agencies deal only with certain types of debt. Following is a short description of the different types of debt that qualify for a debt elimination process through an agency and those debt types that do not qualify for regular debt elimination processes and need different solutions in order to be cancelled or erased.

Debt Types That Qualify For Debt Settlement

The first type of debt that we will briefly explain is credit card debt. Credit card debt is in most cases unsecured debt that features high interest rates compared to other form of debts. Thus, it is extremely important to include this kind of debt in any debt settlement program. Credit card debt certainly qualifies for this type of debt aid due to its unsecured nature and the repayment flexibility it presents.

The same goes to store card debt. Just like credit card debt, store card debt is unsecured debt and usually charges higher interest rates than credit card debt and personal loans. Thus, it should also be included into a debt aid program.

Personal loans, if unsecured can also qualify for debt settlement. This is due to the fact that if the lender refuses to negotiate, he would have to undertake long legal processes to recover the money and he would also be forced to negotiate prior and during the process with costly legal fees. Of course, this applies to unsecured personal loans only and not secured loans.

Different bills, like hospital bills and other services' bills can also be included in a debt elimination program. They are usually included because the debt is unsecured and because the creditor has less negotiating power than banks and other big companies. Thus, it is easier for a negotiator to convince the creditor that he should accept the deal or he might lose the chances of getting any money back at all.

Debt Types That Do Not Qualify For Debt Settlement

There are other debt types that cannot be settled. These debts include: student loans which can be consolidated, waived or forgiven but never settled. The only exceptions are certain private student loans which are not subsidized by the government or a private non-profit institution and thus are subject to the rules of any personal unsecured loan.

Mortgage loans and home equity loans are guaranteed by a property or the equity on that property and thus are not subject to negotiation because the lender can always resort to request the foreclosure of the property and claim all the money owed. The solution for these debts is refinancing which can modify the terms of the secured debt while keeping the security in place.

Car loans which are secured on the car are just like mortgage loans, and with only a few differences, are tied to the same rules. Just like mortgage loans, car loans can be refinanced or fully paid off with the aid of a mortgage or home equity loan. Thus, to solve a debt problem derived from a car loan your main options are debt consolidation and refinancing.

Finally, tax debts can't be settled either. There are some circumstances in which under special hardship, a debt can be forgiven by the government agency. However, these are very special situations with complex requirements. And often, they imply that the debtor has to resort to extreme measures like filing for bankruptcy.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sell Structured Insurance Settlements - Tips and Hints


Some people who were involved in a comparison of insurance structured settlements rewarded. Instead of a lump sum the person receives a percentage of the total amount paid each year. That is, the person who will receive annual payments each year will expire on composition. This is a good option for people who need money every year for medical expenses that may result in an accident. Some people try to sell a structured insurance benefits, increased Lump sum of money.

Even if you get more money if you can wait for the entire duration of the scheme structured, often people want to access the money immediately. It is often necessary, with the money to pay existing debts or other financial obligations. Because it is a guaranteed payment, there are many buyers who were interested in purchasing these payments constituted interest on investment.

If you are looking for you to sell your> Regulation is the first thing you should do a good agent. A broker can help arrange a settlement for a buyer of insurance. Before you decide to sell your settlement, you know that many companies do not authorize the sale of these settlements. So you should see if you are able to sell the structured compared to their broker.

People who can sell structured insurance benefits to do with the money what they want. Repay their debts or badpaying a mortgage are good reasons why you should check the sale of your settlement. Get immediate access to liquidity and choice that many people do.

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Some things to know about Selling Structured Settlements


Structured settlements have been established for people from unlawful acts proposed by the Court when their payments go out on a timetable has been set up to help. These settlements were introduced by the federal government as a means for candidates from spending the lump sum the clock end and no money. Have actually done a nice incentive for an unbeatable tasty structured settlements.

Consequently, there is no federal or state level taxes on these rules. In addition, studieshave shown that most people who received a lump sum of money within five years. Considering these factors, one might ask why people sell their settlements.

With the nation into a depression, many people have lost a lot of money in recent years. Because of the worst recession since the Great Depression was formed wealth, safety nets and burned. Pensions are a superb opportunity to acquire short-term liquidityTime.

To earn money for your structured settlement, it offers outstanding value of the pension. Before agreeing to do this, make sure you have a legal officer or broker to ensure you receive the best possible conditions.

The money from the sale will receive a structured system can be used for a variety of purposes. Depending on the amount you can pay large objects like a car or at home. You can use it toFind out about mortgage payments, pay the loans, or debt reduction credit card. Before deciding the future pension payments to sell, do some 'investigating authorities in several structured settlement companies.

There are a number of companies to ensure that those seeking to sell structured settlements. While structured settlements are designed to help people organize their retirement in a number of ways that would prove beneficial, it is important to realize that if you want to sellTheir solution structure, no will, any state or federal taxes. You should ensure that you understand your rights.

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Structured Settlements - have your cake and eat it


Is it really such a thing as a problem of good? Some might say. My aunt comes to mind. Back in 1980, won two million dollars in the lottery. How could any kind of problem, you ask. Well, if people are asked if they wanted lottery money in one or in monthly installments over 20 years, took payments, and regretted it right until he got the last one.

I do not know exactly what they receive each month, but she said that was not enough to live inhad to keep their jobs. With hindsight, what they have and have not done is take the lump sum would be less than the entire two million euros invested. In this way, through clever If some or all of the money into investments with high returns, you could have a monthly income that far exceeded what we had to pay people lottery every month. So much for hindsight.

What learning purposes, but it was too late to be useful and could sell their profits and received aLump sum of cash. How does it work? Well, there are companies and investors who are willing to buy or sources of income support. Monthly payments lottery advantage of this Note, as well as the construction of private financing that you, payments, annuities, structured settlements, license fees and certain other types of fixed cash flows. What happened on the nature of payments by a reception, an investor or a company which is the purchase of such goods shall consider the nature of the payment of a person could basereceive and make an offer for the outstanding payments.

How to play in every state lottery Commission, the investor is not the full face value for these payments. Sometimes the reasons can not be logical, but the answer is quite simple, a lump sum today, even if granted, is more valuable than the promise of a stream of future payments. I am reminded of the old adage "a bird in hand ..."

But many of the companies that service very creative. You will be able to offer moreas a way to get money in advance and at the same time, the seller can still with some of their payments. There are agreements in which that company would pay bar in front in exchange for a portion of the payment. It might work like this: Sally is receiving payments of $ 600 per month for 10 years for a solution accident. They want money now. In exchange for a cash payment now split evenly their monthly payment with an investor. So you get a lump sum of cash and todaycontinue to receive up to $ 300 for the next ten years.

Another possibility could be that someone observed a company pension or to receive payments from a private loan, it could maintain its rights, we say, assigning the next five years of payments in exchange for a lump sum today. Has passed after the last five years, the individual to join their monthly payments.

There are many ways to structure transactions which, according to the needs of owners of goods andAsset investors. Often, the owners of the activities you can get the best of both worlds. That is, they will receive a lump sum in advance, respecting the right to collect payments in the future, to return or receive payments for the remainder of the term - like having your cake and eat it too.

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Financing solution is right for you?


Are held in the midst of action and a financial crisis or strain, because it is still in court? Before the court to go through a process that takes time, money and energy to carry the financial burden, especially if you are away from home because of Appeal bid. Many people go through financial difficulties if they are in a process, but there is the possibility of resolution of financing, the right choice for you.

Court proceedings take time and money when you are in the midstThis action can not edit any of these needs, so what do you do? How do you pay your bills? Bills do not stop, but he has the money, now what are you doing? All your time and money will be accompanied on the application, so what to do when you turn on? There is a choice or option? You have to close, as all the world and you feel as if there was nothing else to do.

Financing of payment may be the choice for you because it is a good choice if you are in financial difficultyYou can get it for the money that is owed you quickly without any pre-payments and monthly payments will be driven essentially a process where the application of the rule is not approved within 24 hours.

The process is simple, easy and confidential, where you can complete the application, and is treated private and confidential, so nobody needs to know. In most cases, has reviewed and approved within 24 hours, unless you are in bankruptcy. Most of the settlement price fluctuations due to the currentMarket conditions, so it is important for a professional, you can get up to date on his ability to speak, as appropriate.

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